Indexing and Impact factor

Impact Factor of Ayurline: 5.805

Indexing of Ayurline: IJ-RIM Journal:

Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine (IJ-RIM) has been indexed in the following database:

PubMed National Library of Science Catalog indexed: 

1. Scientific Indexing Services: Indexing Link

Scientific Indexing Services (SIS):  was founded by renowned scientists. A group of 70 scientists from various countries in different disciplines started SIS with the specific objective of providing quality information to the researcher. SIS offers academic database services to the researcher.


2. Scientific World Index: Indexing Link

Scientific World Index: Scientific world index is a worldwide directory that indexes and provides access to different journals in all field of sciences which covers all languages. Scientific world index accepts scientific journals from all countries. Scientific world index plans to increase the visibility of scholarly journals.


3. Cosmos Impact factor: Indexing Link


Cosmos Foundation, The Cosmos Foundation was founded by renowned scientists. A group of 100 scientists from various countries in different disciplines started Cosmos (2010) with the specific objective of providing quality information to the researcher. 


Impact Factor