Attention deficit hyperactive disorder an Ayurvedic perspective. Array Section Review of Article
According to Ayurveda, vitiation of dosha is one of the important contributing factors for the disease condition. Charaka describes diseases numerable and innumerable. Acharyas had the vision of forthcoming new diseases; hence they explained the concept of understanding the new diseases i.e. Anukta Vyaadhi.
Anukta vyadhis are not interpreted by their names, but with the cluster of signs and symptoms, the underlying pathology can be understood by the basic principles stated in Ayurveda. These are not only helpful in understanding the pathogenesis but also give a direction to think in terms of treatment for the same.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one among anukta vyadhi. ADHD is the most common psychosomatic childhood disorder. It is characterized by inattention, increased distractibility, difficulty in sustaining attention, poor impulse control, decreased self-inhibitory capacity, motor overactivity and motor restlessness. Children with ADHD have been found to have cognitive deficits, lower IQ, impaired social relationships within the family and with peers, as well as poor study skills and lower academic achievement.
At present, modern medications prescribed for treating ADHD have various undesirable side effects and have the potential for abuse and addiction. Another disadvantage called the rebound effect is also noted. Most of the symptoms described in ADHD resemble to perturbation of Vatadosha more specifically with chala guna of Vata. View of Ayurveda regarding the etiopathogenesis of diseases can provide novel theories of ADHD and also new dimensions to its management.
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