Role of shleshmadhara kala in management of sandhigata vata with special reference to oesteoarthritis- a case study. Array Section Case Report


Umanka Verma
Kalpana Gholap


Sandhigatavata (Osteoarthritis) is a condition where Sandhis (joints) are afflicted by vitiated Vatadosha. A  49yrs old female patient  came to opd with complaints of bilateral knee joint pain, crepitus, restricted movement, and general weakness for 4 years but severe since 5 months. Patient  increased the symptoms because of long standing and straining. She was diagnosed as dhatukshaya janya sandhigata vata also known as nirupstambhit sandhigata vata sthansansharya at janu sandhi. Til taila has vatashamak and vedanasthapan & balya property. Hence in this case  til tail was used in the patient as shaman snehapaan in 20 ml dose abhukta kaala for 21 days.Among the seven kalas, the Shleshmadhara-kala present in all sandhis facilitates their proper functioning of joints.The ruksha guna at sandhi is controlled and lubrication of the joint is maintained  and the movement at the joints becomes more free as well as less painful due to shleshakapha in sandhi,Snehadravya tail improves the work of shleshmadhara kala ,and it is important for reducing the joint stiffness,this occurs due to ‘tulyayonigunatva’ of the snehadravya and shleshmadhara kala. Significant result was found symptoms of sandhi shoola(b/l knee joint pain), vata purna druti sparsha (crepitus),  Graha (restricted movement).Shleshmadhara-kala can be correlated with synovial membrane covering the inner surfaces of the joints ,the synovial fluid secreted by this membrane can be considered as shleshma. Kala can be a one of treatment site for management of diseases related to it.


Author Biography

Kalpana Gholap

Associate Professor, Panchkarma Department, Yerla Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital-PG Institute Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.

How to Cite
Verma, U., & Gholap, K. (2019). Role of shleshmadhara kala in management of sandhigata vata with special reference to oesteoarthritis- a case study.: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 3(01).


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