Role of Draksha Ghrita in various diseases, a review article Array Section Review of Article
Draksha Ghrita is a medicated ghee. Draksha ghrita is mainly used for cure of diseases related to pitta ,vata and Rakta. Draksha Ghrita is mentioned in Charak Samhita by Acharya Charaka. The main ingredients of drakshadi ghrita is Draksha i.e. (vitis vinifera)and cow ghee. The use of Draksha ghrita and its ingredients is well defined in Ayurvedic texts like Charak Samhita .This article is aimed to gather all the scientific research findings supporting the use of Draksha ghrita and its ingredients in the prevention, treatment and cure of various Pitta disorders. It possess various pharmacological activities like Anti-Anemic,Anti-Oxidant,Anti-ageing,anti-viral,anti-carcinogenic,Hepato protective and cardio protective. The aim of this article is to support the pharmacological potential of Draksha Ghrita and its ingredients with scientific result.
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