Depression in Children

A Review


  • sayali ramesh gangurde PG Scholar Kaumarbhrittya,SSAM Nashik


Depression is found in Children and adolescent as in adults. It is important to keep watch on their changed behavior and diagnose depression in them. Knowledge of child’s psychology and keen observation towards them helps in diagnosis and prevention of depression. According to Ayurveda when vitiation of Tama guna, Kapha dosha, alleviation of Vata occurs in aplasatva person then they will be affected by mental disorders like depression. Nidana Parivarjana (eliminating causative factors) is the first step towards treating depression. Bringing indriya Prasadana state (clarity of mind and all senses) by several methods like Purification of body by Panchakarma therapy, consolation, counseling, yielding desirable subjects to children, giving medicines (sanshaman dravya) as curative and prophylactic measure is to be done for treating depression. Medhya Rasayana dravya are to be advised to avoid recurrence of depression.

Key words- Depression, children, Vishada, Manovasada


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How to Cite

gangurde, sayali ramesh. (2019). Depression in Children: A Review. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 3(04). Retrieved from