Review article on jyotishmati “celastrus panniculatus wild.” With brief uses of it’s ingredients. Array Section Review of Article


Vilas Khanapurkar


Herbal medicinal plants plays an important role in the traditional system of medicines such as Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha. Because of minimal side effects and records of safety the demand of herbal medicines is increasing tremendously. Celastruspanniculatus is also the important drugs in Ayurved system of medicine, belonging to “MEDHYADI’ VARGA†commonly called as “JYOTISHMATIâ€. Jyotishmati has a lot of medicinal values such as Mental disorder, Pakshaghat, Ardit, Sandhivat, Grudhrasi, Katishul,Deepan, Kushtha, Udararoga, Gulma, Medhya,Rasyana and mainly as  Mastishak-nadibaldayak. JyotishmatiBeej& Oil contains the major compounds as – Celapagine, Celapanigine,Celapanine,  Celastrol,Celastrine,Paniculatine,Malkanguniol,Malkangunine,1-amyrin,β-sitosterol; Acetic,Benzoic, Formic, Linoleic acids etc. Hence, In the present study, an attempt is made to critically review the Jyotishmati from Ayurvedic aspects and the action of its chemical constituents. 


How to Cite
Khanapurkar, V. (2019). Review article on jyotishmati “celastrus panniculatus wild.” With brief uses of it’s ingredients.: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 3(04).


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