Understanding the role of Flaxseed as a Nutraceutical in Obesity Array Section Review of Article
More than 5% of the total population of young India is suffering from morbid obesity and unless this is not treated properly, we are unable to control the diseases like Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension and Heart disorders. Maintaining the ratio of good and bad cholesterols is one of the prime target, in obesity. As cholesterol itself is not evil and is actually essential for many physiological activities, only decreasing the cholesterol level for the management of obesity, is not logical as per Ayurvedic perceptive. Several studies have revealed that, Flaxseed (Linium Usitatissimum), being rich in, omega-3 fatty acids, and dietary fibres, is used as dietary supplement in obesity since ages. Though, Bhava Prakash has described the attributes of atasi as madhura, tikta and snigdha and guru, atasi is found as a good nutraceutical in the management of obesity. How the diverse combinations and permutations of pá¹›thvi and jala mahÄbhuta, cause different shades of snigdha and madhura qualities, resulting in an increase in the good cholesterol and their ability to boost the HDL along with reduction in LDL and triglycerides, is discussed in this paper. The role of proteins, found in Flaxseeds, relatively high in arginine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid are also discussed in this paper. Dietary fibres present in flax seeds exhibit positive effect to reduce constipation, to keep better bowel movement and acts as a hypocholestermic agent. In conclusion, Flaxseed, an easily available, cost effective, is an emerging nutraceutical in the treatment of Obesity.
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