Low back pain is the most common problem in all age groups. Prevalence of low back pain increases sharply from teenage till old age. Low back pain associated with activity limitation increases with the age. It is the major reason of disability globally resulting into a significant societal burden. In majority of low back pain cases it is difficult to pinpoint the cause but various types of spinal disorders are responsible for producing low back pain. It may seem as a very common and non life threatening symptom but it affects Quality of Life as well as productivity of a person by decrease in physical activity.
Exercise and Physical therapy is suggested in various guidelines for low back pain. Yoga through various asanas, pranayama and meditation techniques can help to alleviate the pain, emotional and physical stress. According to the acute and chronic stages of low back pain, appropriate selection of Asanas and relaxation techniques is necessary. This integrative approach will enable faster recovery and economical treatment option for the Low Back Pain.
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