Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory polyarthritis which is destructive and Deformative in nature. It is more common in female than male in a ratio of 3:1 and more common in 3rd or 4th decade of life. Treatment used in modern science is inadequate and many times surgical treatment is required. Prognosis of the disease is very bad as disease is progressive and leads to joint deformities.
According to Ayurveda symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis sembles to the symptoms of Amvat. Amvat is said to be Kashtasadhya or Yappya to treat, due to Madhyam Rogamarga. So we may correlate rheumatoid arthritis with Amvat.
Charkrapani in Chakradatta Niruhadhikar has indicated administration of Vaitaran Basti in the management of Amvat. Bhallatak Siddha Kshira was used in Ayurveda for a long time to treat Amvat. Bhallatak is said to be Ampachak, Shothhar, Jvarahar and Vataghna in qualities and possess Rasayan Guna as per ancient Ayurvedic Acharyas. But a very few research work has been conducted on its efficacy in the management of Amvat.
It was observed that administration of Vaitaran Basti alongwith oral intake of Bhallatak Siddha Kshir proved to be very effective to reduce sings and symptoms of the disease like Shoth (inflammation), Shula(pain), Pidanasahatva, Aruchi, Cluma, Mandagni. Pain was reduced significantly within 2-3 days of administration of drugs. Jvara was also significantly reduced. So we may say that it is a very effective and successful treatment for the management of the disease Amvat. Also erythrocyte Sedementation rate was highly increased.
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