Clinical Evaluation of Uttarbasti in PCOS (Poly cystic ovary syndrome) with special reference to Śatāvhādi Tail Array Section Original Research Articles


Santosh Chavan


PCOS means polycystic ovarian Syndrome  PCOS affects 5% to 10% of women of reproductive age In Ayurvedic classics, á¾¹cÄrya KÄÅ›yapa mentioned PCOS in terms of ‘Puá¹£paghni RevatÄ«. He narrated that woman who observes her fruitless menstruation in appropriate time, has corpulent and hairy cheeks, she is also (seized with) called as  Puá¹£paghni RevatÄ«. The present clinical trial by trans cervical route by  ÅšatÄvhÄdi  Tail based on the classical reference in Ashtang Samgraha The ingredients of ÅšatÄvhÄdi  Tail are viz,  Å›atÄvhÄ, SaÅ—Å›apa, AjavÄyan, Åšigru,Hingu, Kustha, Mandanaphala, processed in Mustard oil. It has been given by Uttarbasti module. All the ingredients are mainly Katu Ras Usna Virya and Uá¹£na Tikshna Guna. The 30 married female recruited this clinical trial who received ÅšatÄvhÄdi  Tail 5-7 ml trancervical route at Bharati Vidyapeeth(D.U) College of Ayurved and Hospital, Katraj Dhanakawadi , Pune 43. The results assessed in terms of USG (Ovarian volume and no of follicles), LH:FSH Ratio and S.Testesterone and subjective parameter Sthula Lomash Ganda (Corupurulent hair on cheek) and Arthavkshaya. It showed effect on hormonal level {LH, FSH} but slight effect on serum testosterone.


How to Cite
Chavan, S. (2020). Clinical Evaluation of Uttarbasti in PCOS (Poly cystic ovary syndrome) with special reference to Śatāvhādi Tail: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 4(02).