The ROLE OF SHATAPUSHPA IN WOMEN’S LIFE Array Section Review of Article
Ayurveda is the oldest and most developed gerbil system in the world. Shatapushpa among the millions of plants having multitude of benefits. However with female health Shatapushpaholds a significant role. Nowadays female were facing the gynaecological disorders due to excessive consumption of junk food, sedentary lifestyle, faulty dietary habits and also physical and mental stress with load. Thus HPO axis gets impaired. Shatapushpa described by Acharya Kashyapa with separate chapter on it which works on gynaecological problems like Anartava (Hypomenorrhoea), Kashtartava (Dysmenorrhoea), Rajonivritti (Menopause), Yonishushkata (Vaginal Dryness), Vandhyatva – Shandhi (Infertility), Raktagulma (Uterine Fibroids), Yonishoola (Vaginal Pain). Thus an effort has been put forth to focus on the benefits of Shatapushpa in relation with female health.
KEWORDS – Shatapushpa, Ayurveda, Female Disorders etc.
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