A review of importance of Dhyan (Meditation) and Pranayama in Nidranash (Insomnia) Array Section Review of Article
Sleep is naturally occurring process of human being which needs no instruction in normal state. Sleep helps in rejuvenation and nourishment of body, after every day’s exhaustion. But civilization has brought many more changes and human has contracted improper methods and attitude of life style which has hampered natural and correct practice of sleep. Dhyan and Pranayama are two procedures out of eight yog stated in Yogdarshana. These procedures have their impact through regulation of prana (respiration) and concentration of mind. Here in this article importance of dhyan and pranayama in the most common sleeping disorder, insomnia according to modern studies, known as Nidranash in Ayurved texts, is discussed.
Keywords: Nidra, Nidranash, sleep disorders, Pranavayu, Dhyan, Pranayama.