Critical study on selection criteria of Vishaghna Mahakashaya drugs Array Section Review of Article


Kishor Chaudhari


Ayurveda is an eternal science. Its eternality is related to its preventive aspect and treatment principles described to treat illnesses. Numerous new diseases are emerging with new titles. Diseases are unlimited, so the physician should not bother to name the disease. Likewise the drugs are also unlimited. Every substance is a medicine if used rationally. So the drugs and various formulations given in ayurveda are for the practice of the medical person having poor intelligence. The field is open for the intelligent one to add and formulate new combinations. For this one should understand the basic drug selection criteria for the particular yoga or combination of drugs described. In Charaksamhita Sutrasthan fourth chapter, fifty combinations of various drugs for various are described. Each combination is named as Mahakashay and contains ten drugs. There must be drug selection criteria for each kashaya. If are able to under that principle we can formulate number of combination for the same condition. Vishaghna Mahakashya is one of them which detoxify the body and helps to get rid of toxins.  It includes Haridra (Curcuma longa), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Suvahaa (Operculina turpethum), Sukshama ela (Elettaria cardamomum), Paalindee (Hemidesmus indicus)), Chandan (Santalum album), Kataka (Strychnos potatorum), Shirish (Albizzia lebbeck), Sinduvaara (Vitex negundo) and Shleshmaataka (Cordia dichotoma). An attempt is made in this article to review Vishaghna Mahakashya and find out the drug selection criteria for the same.


How to Cite
Chaudhari, K. . (2021). Critical study on selection criteria of Vishaghna Mahakashaya drugs: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 5(01).