Understanding significance of sitting posture as a etiological factor causing low back pain Array Section Review of Article
Good posture is important because it minimizes the excessive force that muscles and joints need to absorb. Psychology studies have suggested that slouchier postures make people look less confident to others, and even feel less competent, Henderzahs-Mason said. There's also some evidence showing that people who walk with a slouched posture have a higher predisposition to depression than those who walk more upright. In this article we have tried to compile the significance of sitting posture as a etiological factor causing low back pain. Back pain has been termed as “an illness in search of a diseaseâ€.
How to Cite
Chaudhari, R. . (2020). Understanding significance of sitting posture as a etiological factor causing low back pain: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 4(06). https://doi.org/10.52482/ayurline.v4i06.486