A Controlled clinical study to evaluate protective role of Garbhapalras in garbhini avastha Array Section Original Research Articles
The prophylactic value of antenatal supervision is so much tested and recognized in the advanced countries. This care is very much essential to prevent or to detect the medical and obstetrical complications at the earliest. . Through best maternal care, the fetal risks can be avoided or at least prevented. . Garbhpal ras, a Herbomineral drug mentioned in the Ayurveda text namely ‘Ras Chandanshu’ is being used in pregnant woman since many decades. It was claimed that Garbhpal ras can be used to treat diseases of pregnant woman and it should be taken from 1st month to 9th month of pregnancy. The aim of present study was to assess the efficacy of Garbhpal ras in pregnancy with respect to maternal and fetal wellbeing and to evaluate possible mechanism of action of Garbhapal ras in pregnancy. In present study, 100 pregnant women were registered. Haematological and biochemical parameters were observed. Ultrasonography parameters like FL/AC ratio, Fetal weight, AFI, Umbilical artery S/D ratio, were assessed. Normal haematological results and biochemical tests show non-toxic nature of Garbhpal ras when given in 125mg BID with milk. Improvement in haemoglobin percentage in trial group was found during study. Deepan, pachak, kledaghna, rasayan properties of Garbhapal ras improves Jatharagni and Dhatvagni and helps in the formation of good quality of Aahar rasa. This helps to produce Uttarottar ‘Sara Dhatu and Upadhatu’ in garbhini.