'Critical Study Of Konkan Territory Of Maharashtra State w.s.r. To The Concept Of Desha ln Ayurveda' Array Section Review of Article


Dr. Pranali A. Nagdeve
Dr. Ravi k. Golghate


Background- Desha Pariksha (examination) has been mentioned in the Charaka Samhita (cha.vi.8/84) which is considered as the oldest and the most authentic treatise of Ayurveda. Ayurveda has described three types of Desha viz. Jangl , Anup and Sadharan. Desha also known as Bhumi refers to the natural  inhabitant of an individual. Desha is one of the factors which have to be assessed in ascertaining the Hetu (etiological factors) and also in deciding the treatment. Climate, diseases, food, treatment and so many factors may vary according to desh (habitat). An attempt has been made to critically analyse the konkan region of the state Maharashtra considering present climate conditions and geography in comparison to the concept of Ayurvedic desha description. 

Methods- Authentic government web portals of this region have been visited to know the present climatic situations. Various research papers were also reviewed to discern the territory from other parts of the state. 

Conclusion- After scrutinizing the facts over the past few years; it has been found that most of the regions of konkan fall under excess rainfall terrain. Flora and fauna is similar to that of wetland. The Konkan region of the Maharashtra State can be compared with Anup desha in Ayurveda.


Author Biography

Dr. Ravi k. Golghate, Associate professor

Associate professor

Dept. Of Rognidana

B.S. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, sawantwadi

Maharashtra, India


How to Cite
Dr. Pranali A. Nagdeve, & Dr. Ravi k. Golghate. (2021). ’Critical Study Of Konkan Territory Of Maharashtra State w.s.r. To The Concept Of Desha ln Ayurveda’: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 5(04). https://doi.org/10.52482/ayurline.v5i04.578