Effect of Switrahara Churna on Switra (Vitiligo) – A Case study Array Section Case Report
Switra can be compared with Vitiligo of contemporary science. Switra is a pigmentary disorder of great socio-medical importance and defined as, acquired, idiopathic, hypo melanosis of skin and hair. A seven years old girl was suffering with white patches over knee, elbow and scalp region. Switrahara Churna was applied over affected area in morning and exposed to sunlight (10minutes) for two months. Follow up was done every 15th day. The assessment criteria were Twak Swetata, Twak Rukshta, Kandu and Daha. The effect of drug is to enhance the proliferation of melanocytes. Switrahara Churna when applied with warm water was very effective in present case study.
How to Cite
Dr. P Monu Rao. (2022). Effect of Switrahara Churna on Switra (Vitiligo) – A Case study: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 6(01). https://doi.org/10.52482/ayurline.v6i01.605