Critical review of Jaya Vati. Array Section Review of Article
Jaya vati is the herbal formulation mentioned in Vishopvishavidnyaniya Taranga of Rasatarangini which is indicated as Yogavahi i.e. can be given in different diseases with appropriate anupana (vehicle). References of jaya vati are found in Rasatarangini, Rasendra Chintamani, Rasendra Sara Sangraha, Rasa Ratna Samuchhaya and Ayurveda Prakasha. Among these all, the Jaya vati prescribed in Rasatarangini is used in clinical practice. This formulation has total nine herbal ingredients including one visha dravya (toxic ingredient). Indications of Jaya vati are Prameha, Pandu, Kasa, Shwasa, Jwara, Raktapitta, Grahani, Panchami nadigata shoola (Trigeminal neuralgia). It is multifunctional medicine that can be used in day to day practice. So an attempt has been made to review various formulations of jaya vati from different classics.
Keywords- Jaya vati, review