Role of Aschyotan in Ocular Infestation : A review Array Section Review of Article
Ayurveda is the holistic science of Indian medical system which is divided in eight branches (Astang Ayurved) one of them is Shalakyatantra it deals with the detail information about Urdhwajatrugat Roga (diseases occurring above neck) and their treatment. Urdhwajatrugat Roga includes diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Dental Problems. Ayurved ophthalmology is explored by Sushruta in uttartantra. Kriyakalpas are the ocular therapeutics explained in kriyakalpaadyaya in Uttartanra by Sushruta.
Aschyotan is one of the entity under kriyakalpa described by Acharya Sushruta in Uttartantra. Kriyakalpas are ocular therapeutics In Ayurveda. Aschyotan evanesce ocular symptoms in the initial phase of Netraroga by its Potency.
Acharya Vaghbhata described Aschyotan in Sutrasthana in Aschyotan-Anjan-Vidhi Adhyaya as first line of treatment in all ocular conditions. In today’s context eye drops are widely used in ophthalmology. Aschyotan is pouring drop by drop medicated drugs in eyes. Acharya Sushruta differentiated Aschyotan in three types in context to Prakupit Dosha. Shnehana ,Lekhana and Ropana in Vata ,kapha and Pitta accordingly . Aschyotan acts locally it helps to prevent Ruk (eye pain), Toda (pricking pain), Kandu (eye itching), Gharsha (feeling of friction in the eyes), Ashru (excessive lacrimation), Daha (burning sensation), Raga (eye redness). The main objective of the study is to initiate detail about Aschyotan as therapeutic entity.