A “Understanding the use of medicated Gritha in pregnancyâ€- A Conceptual study.
Gritha is one among the chaturvidha sneha and is considered as a Nithya Sevaniya aahara. Pregnancy is a period where nourishment should be attained to both pregnant lady as well as the growing foetus. Thus Ayurveda emphasis special care for Garbini in the form of Garbhini Charya which includes Garbhini Ahara, Vihara and Masanumasika oushada prayoga. Gritha is snighda and soumya gunapradhana with madhura rasa and madhura vipaka1, which helps in the proper growth and development of garbha. Various gritha kalpanas mentioned in our classics helps in the timely nourishment and development of the garbha.In this article an attempt is made to understand the utility of different gritha in different stages of garbha.

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