Ayurvedic pancakarma management of Kitibha Kushtha (psoriasis) – a case study. Array Section Case Report
According to Ayurveda Classification Kitibha kushtha mentioned under the Kshudra kushta.This is primarily characterized by Kinakara sparsha(Hard),Parusha (Rough to touch),Syava(silver scaly lesions)and Kandu(severe itching) which can be co related with psoriasis .psoriasis is an auto immune disease. In Ayurveda, many herbs have proven efficacy in psoriasis, but the multifaceted etiology of the disease needs a multimodal treatment approach.[i] Panchakarma therapy of Ayurveda has attracted attention of the people worldwide as it is an unique sort of treatment of various chronic, auto immune, hormonal, degenerative disorders.[ii] This case study report about Ayurveda treatment in a 21 year-old female patient with plaque psoriasis presented with erythematous plaques on forehead, whole head, and behind the ears. The Auspitz sign and Koebner phenomenon were positive. The treatment protocol was adopted as per Ayurvedic pathophysiology and the patient cured completely without reporting any adverse events after two months of treatment. This case was practiced body purifying internal drugs,Vamana and Basti Karma as Pancha Karma and Gandaka Malahara as external application. No recurrence observed even after one year of the halted treatment. The importance of a wholesome diet as a health promoter is also revalidated. Photographic documentation was recorded with the proper consent of the patient during successive treatment and regular follow-ups. Altogether, multimodal Ayurveda treatment led to speedy and substantial recovery from a chronic case of psoriasis.

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