Role of Ayurveda in Dry Eczema Array Section Original Research Articles


Krishna Kadam
Viraj Jadhav


In Ayurveda, various skin disorders are detailed under the heading Kushtha. It is one of the Mahagada defined by Ayurveda which not only affects the skin but also other dhatus for example Rakta, Mansa etc. Vicharchika is specially mentioned under the heading of Kshudra Kushtha (minor skin ailments). Even though, in terms of severity, incidence and prognosis it is not minor.Vicharchika, a type of Kshudra Kushtha (chronic skin disease) though involves only epidermis, its tendancy of recurrence continues to pose problems to the physician.Characteristics of Vicharchika as mentioned in the Brihat trayi are Atikandu, Shyavata, Pidika, Bahustrava or Rukshata and Raji. The consideration of characteristics of Vicharchika as Eczema may also reveal the same fact.


Author Biography

Viraj Jadhav

Associate Professor, Vikriti Vigyan, SAM Ayu. College, Bhopal, M. P., India.

How to Cite
Kadam, K., & Jadhav, V. (2019). Role of Ayurveda in Dry Eczema: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 3(02).


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