Role of Leech (Jalouka) saliva in Raktamokshan Array Section Review of Article
Raktamokshan is one of the upakram mention by charakcharya. It is mainly applied for Raktaj dushti. Raktamokshan by Jalouka has an indifferent importance due to the action and mechanism of saliva which release in the body of patient while sucking the blood and that gets the relief in various types of diseases.
Ayurvedic physicians are using Nirvish Jalouka since ancient time in the diseases mention by charak and Sushrut but after research modern science are using in Cancer, Endometriosis, blockage of coronary diseases, Plastic surgery, Skin grafting, Migraine etc.
Hirudin is one of the important component in leech saliva which act as anticoagulant, in addition to that several component are found in leech saliva which has a various action like anti-inflammatory, analgesic, Anticoagulant, Anesthetic, Thrombolytic, Vasodilator etc.
Raktmokshan by Nirvish (Non Poisonous) Jalouka is easy, comfortable, affordable and applicable process. It is applied in children, women and old person; it is useful in internal diseases by application on surface of body. It is a unique creature on the earth which is applicable and useful for human being.
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