A Review and Probable Mode of Action of Jalaukavacharana in Hrudroga with Special reference to Coronary Artery Disease Array Section Original Research Articles


Subodh Chandrakant Patil
Rohit Diliprao Moujkar
Sanjivan Vasant Kulkarni


Panchakarma is globally known term today and it has grown in to super specialty of Ayurveda. According to Acharya Sushruta Raktamokshana is a karma which involves the removal and renewal of dushta Rakta. Jalukavacharan is type of Ashastrakruta Raktamokashan done by applying leeches. Jaluka (Leech) has got place in the right hand of the lord Dhanvantari underlines the importance of the Jalauka in medicinal treatment. Nirvish Jalauka are used to treat arthritis, vascular and venous diseases, varicose vein ulcers heart and lungs problems, Skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and hypo pigmented patches. The sign and symptoms of Hrudroga mentioned in Samhitas are almost similar to cardiovascular heart diseases among which coronary heart disease (CAD) or ischemic heart diseases is the common type of heart disease leading cause of deaths in all over the world involving both men and women. Emergency management of cardiac disease is merely sufficient in modern system of medicine but for preventive and curative aspect (apunarbhava chikitsa) Jalaukavacharan has important role as thrombolytic and anti inflammatory activity by removing the local blood impurities and toxins. Jalaukavacharan a type of bloodletting therapy helps to eliminate vitiated Doshas mainly Pitta Dosha. Leeches are indicaed in surgery whenever there is venous stasis. The saliva Jalauka contains more than 100 bioactive substances which have analgesic anti inflammatory properties and lead to elimination of microcirculatory disorders. Also leech therapy is less expensive and one of effective treatment of Hrudroga especially coronary heart disease


How to Cite
Patil, S. C., Moujkar, R. D., & Kulkarni, S. V. (2019). A Review and Probable Mode of Action of Jalaukavacharana in Hrudroga with Special reference to Coronary Artery Disease: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 3(04). https://doi.org/10.52482/ayurline.v3i04.259


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