A short review on pittaja balapsmara w.s.r. to febrile seizures: an ayurvedic approach Array Section Review of Article
In today’s modern era, every child is precious and medical science is trying to reduce the mortality and morbidity because of each and every disease in the field of Pediatrics, an attempt giving rise to healthy population to tomorrows world. Balapsmara is Apasmara Vyaddhi in pediatric age group patient; and it is observed over year that the seizures in children commonly presents as association with fever. Febrile Seizures is clinical entity in modern science described as seizures in children triggered by fever present in children below 5 years of life. But there is no any special reference in Ayurveda regarding seizures in pediatric age group especially febrile seizures.
The present article is an attempt to highlight the details on details of Pittaja Balapsmara with co-relating to Febrile Seizures.
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3. Acharya vidyadhar shukla, Prof. Ravi Dutta Tripathi Apasmarachikitsadhyaya in Acharya vidyadhar shukla, Prof. Ravi Dutta, editor. Carakasamhita of Agnivesa Reprinted ed. Delhi chaukhambha Sanskrit pratishthan,2013 p 248
4. Acharya vidyadhar shukla, Prof. Ravi Dutta Tripathi Apasmarachikitsadhyaya in Acharya vidyadhar shukla, Prof. Ravi Dutta, editor. Carakasamhita of Agnivesa Reprinted Delhi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishthan,2013. p. 250
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