“Role of yoga and ayurveda in healthy life†Array Section Review of Article
The objective of the present monograph is to present a critical study on the alliedness of Ayurveda &Yoga on their possible scope as positive health sciences. Yoga & Ayurveda are allied sciences. Ayurveda envisages the total welfare of man while Yoga specifically ensures his psychospiritual development. The changing concept of life and modernity, urbinization and industrial development in modern world have entirely changed. The concept of medicine and its approaches in recent years also has changed. The medical profession is faced with the rapid growth of newer disorders whose causes lies in the society and modern way of life itself. As pointed out above Yoga & Ayurveda are not only allied disciplines but are complimentary to each other. It is most appropriate to consider Yoga as a branch of Ayurveda.Yoga is a discipline of more limited objectives and is specifically concerned with achievement of Moksha. Applipication of the science of Yoga & Ayurveda in the social and personal life of a common man. Basic concept of Yoga are incorporated in Ayurveda. The art and science of both these to obtain health and longevity of life to acquire mental poise and peace. To integrate human personality to realise the bliss of the supreme. The Present paper will review the critical view the promotion of health and prevention of disease too should lieu pan their correction and management it is perspective Yoga & Ayurveda deliberates an the concept of achara, vichara, ahara, vihora as primary modes of care of human health.
1. Charak samhita, Prof. P. V. Sharma Chaukhamba orientalis Varanasi
2. Ashtaga hridaya, Vd. Brahmanand tripathi Chaukhamba orientalis Varanasi
3. Hatyog pradipika, Pandit hariprasad tripathi Chaukhamba krishnadas academy Varanasi
4. New horizons of Yoga and Tantra, Dr. ram das mahatyagi, Chaukhamba prakashan Varanasi
5. Asana why and how, Prof. O. P. Tiwari Kaivalyadhama, s.m.y.m. samiti, lonavla (Pune)
6. Yoga and Ayurveda, Prof. Satyandra Prasad mishra Chawkhamba Sanskrit sansthan Varanasi.
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