Efficacy of myofascial release on plantar fasciitis. Array Section Original Research Articles


Shashikant Chandanshive


Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cause of the inferior heel pain which is bad with the first step taken on rising in the morning or after an extended refrain from weight bearing activity. Myofascial release and conventional occupational therapy are treatments given in the chronic conditions that causes tightness and pain in plantar fasciitis. The study was undertaken with the intention to find out the effectiveness of myofascial release on plantar fasciitis, in conjunction with conventional occupational therapy. Objectives of  the study were  to study the effectiveness of Myofascial release along with conventional Occupational Therapy in plantar fasciitis. In this  prospective, randomized and comparative  study 23 patients (Group A) received myofascial release and conventional occupational therapy  whereas 24 patients (Group B) received conventional occupational therapy. Assessment done at baseline, at 2nd and 4th week for range of motion at ankle joint, VAS and foot function index.The results from repeated measures of ANNOVA test indicated statistically significant increase in range of motion at ankle joint within both the groups. Freidman ANNOVA test and Wilcoxon signed rank test indicated decrease in pain score and decrease in foot function index recorded within both the groups. The experimental group showed better improvement and is statistically significant at p<0.05.  From the above discussion, patients from the group which received conventional occupational therapy exercises with myofascial release showed more reduction pain and foot function index as compared to  group which received only conventional occupational therapy.


How to Cite
Chandanshive, S. (2020). Efficacy of myofascial release on plantar fasciitis.: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 4(02). https://doi.org/10.52482/ayurline.v4i02.343

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