To explore the emergency management methods through panchakarma and ayurvedic medicine- a review Array Section Review of Article
Emergency is a sudden or unforeseen crisis that requires immediate action. Emergency medicine is the branch of medicine concerned with the prompt diagnosis and treatment of injuries or trauma or sudden illness. Emergency in Ayurveda might be like pain, stiff neck, accident, anxiety, stroke, heart attack, asthma, haemorrhage etc. Ayurveda enlist the disease crisis status as Upadrava and Arishta lakshana. The upadrava may lead the patient into unforesome troublesome conditions where the arishta lakshan are the symptoms denoting the bad prognosis. Even Ayurveda do explain emergencies of all the categories. But to handle the emergency, the availability of medicine and awareness is required. Charaka has long ago stated that the lack of equipment and attendants, patients incapability, lack of awareness, non-availabilty of management and delayed treatment schedules makes the curable disease as incurable and crisis establishes.