Critical Review on Mana Paribhasha Array Section Review of Article
The measurement has become the base for foundation of all science. In Ayurveda such a study concerning the dose and administration of drugs are dealt in Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana. In ancient era acharyas had such a wonderful parameter which are perfect in this era too. In this article the ancient methods of Mana like Magadha Mana and Kalinga Mana are comparatively discussed. Three Types of Mana based on nature of substance that is Pautava mana, Druvaya Mana and Payya mana are very useful in Aushadha Nirman and also in Aushadha sevan matra.
How to Cite
Sujata Sankpal. (2020). Critical Review on Mana Paribhasha: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 4(06).