The role of the mind in multitasking and its physiological impact in the present era.
From day to day, everyone is too busy to Manage their lives. Hence, multitasking is a common practice involved by individuals in this era. It does save our time, but does it have any impact on health, whether psychologically or physically. From physiological prospectus one can understand the concept of Mana, the entity which makes the sensory organ to connect with their respective stimulus or motor organ to take action / regulates the action of Karmendriya. Manas is the connecting link between the Atma with Sharir and hence influences both. Mana subtlety makes it move quickly and conjugate with the sense organs so quickly that it appears as though all sensory impressions are occurring concurrently at the same moment and that it is simultaneously connected to all Indriyas. Nevertheless, it only connects to one Indriya at a time. This demonstrates its Ekatva quality. Multitask is to work on two or more tasks at once, to switch between tasks often, or to complete several jobs quickly one after the other. Here by understanding the physiology of Mana, one can understand its role in multitasking and it’s physical and psychological effect on individual. As Mana has major a role in keeping healthy status as well as in disease production

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