The Role of Pathya Apathya in the management of Amlapitta Vyadhi Vd. Vishakha R. Ahire1*, Vd. Archana S. Dachewar2 , PG Scholar 3rd year1 , Professor & HOD2 , Department of Kayachikitsa, Shri Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. 440009 Section Review of Article
Amlapitta is a commonly encountered disease of Annavaha Srotasa (Gastrointestinal system) described in various Ayurvedic Text. According to Ayurveda Agni is one of the main principle of human health. And the Amlapitta disease cause by the Suppression in Agni; When the Amla Guna & Drava Guna is excessively increases in Pitta Guna; the disease Amlapitta is produce. Now-a-days it has become a 'Burning' problem in our Society. And this disease not only hampered physical health but also psychological and social health too.
In Ayurveda the first main principle of Chikitsa is starts with Nidanparivarjan (prevention of Disease). So to treat the disease in early stage, we have to focus on our healthy eating habbits. Pathya apathya is mention in Ayurveda is to prevent as well as to treat the disease. Pathya recommended in Amlapitta are mainly Laghu and Agnidipak ahar, i.e. Yava, Godhuma, Mudga Yusha , Puran Shali Shashtik, Lajamand etc. Apathya recommended in Amlapitta are Navanna, Mash , Kulathha, Dadhi etc. So this review article focus on Pathya (Wholesome regimen) And Apathya (Unwholesome regimen) in Amlapitta disease.