Role of Raktmokshana (Siravedh) & Shaman Chikitsa in Vicharchika - A Case Study


  • Dr.Amol Vitthal Mungale Dr.
  • Dr.Suryaprakash K Jaiswal HOD & Professor


Vicharchika, Raktmokshan, Siravedh, shaman chikitsa


In ayurvedic texts, all skin diseases are classified under Mahakushtha and Kshudrakushtha. Vicharchika is a type of Kshudrakushtha. It can be correlated with eczema according to modern science. Eczema is characterised by dry itchy skin with areas of poorly  demarcated scales. In acute phase eczema may be vesicular and oozing. In chronic phase, it may become hyperpigmented and lichenified. Modern dermatology employs systemic and local administration of steroids for the management of eczema. Despite an initial response, maintenance therapies with small doses of systemic and topical glucocorticoids usually produce hazardous ill effects. So attempt has been made to treat eczema by Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda focuses on underlying etiopathogenesis and treats the root cause of the disease. The present study has been done to evaluate the efficacy of Shodhana i.e.Raktamokshan(siravedha) and Shaman Chikitsa in Vicharchika.


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How to Cite

Dr.Amol Vitthal Mungale, & Dr.Suryaprakash K Jaiswal. (2021). Role of Raktmokshana (Siravedh) & Shaman Chikitsa in Vicharchika - A Case Study . Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 5(03). Retrieved from