The The role of Sarvang sundar rasa Orally and Mahamash tail locally in the management of Amavata WSR to Rheumatoid Arthritis –A case study. Array Section Case Report


Swati Sukhdeo Tayade
Subhash Jamdhade


Amavata is term derives from the word as Ama and vata.Ama is a type of metabolic toxin; it is an essential factor in development of pathology.Mandagni (low digestive fire) produce Ama in the body,when ama get associated with vitiated vata and starts circulating in the body accupies in shleshmal sthana(asthi sandhi) results in painful disease Amavata.

Madhavakara (900 AD) has identified first time the disease.Amavata as seprate entity and discribed the disease in detail.Madhavakara describes etiopathology of amavata that the person with weak digestion (Mandagni) if he is posseses a secondary life (nishchalasya)or if he indulges into virrudha aaharaand vihara e.g.excessive exercise after taking heavy and fatty food,ama is produced and vata get vitiated. This ama provoks by vata (Vayuna preritah),Circulates in the body especially towards shleshmal sthanas. the resultant of cardinal symptoms of amvata are painful swelling of the joints (sarujashotham ) of hands,feet,ankle,knee,hip,Spinal column,and stiffness(jadyata),fever( Jwara),loss of appetite (aruchi),indigestion (apaka),Constipation(vibandhata),gurguling(antrakujanam)etc. this impairs the day to day functions of spite of presence of NSAID,DMRD,steroids etc. the rheumatology remains refractory to treatment but Ayurvedic drug which are therapeutically safe and effectiveness.


How to Cite
Tayade, S. S., & Jamdhade, S. (2021). The The role of Sarvang sundar rasa Orally and Mahamash tail locally in the management of Amavata WSR to Rheumatoid Arthritis –A case study.: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 5(04).

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