The clinical study of effect of Agastya a Rasayana in Vataj kasa with reference of tropical pulmonary Eosinophils


  • Shivaji Kagade


Rasayan, Ayurveda, rasa, Vataj kasa, agestrya Hamituci, Srotosh, svastha dosha, Dhatu, Agni.


Therapeutics are of two types, One that promotes strength and immunity in health and the other that alleviates disorder in ailing the dress are of two kinds and other One is preserves health, and the other belongs to the curative group. Rasayan (primitive treatment) means the way to attain excellent Rasa etc. Rasayana is a drug that delays the going process and saves from diseases by reestablishing youth and is beneficial for the eyes, increases body weight, and acts as a virility. The substance which delays the gain process and destroys disease is known as Rasayana.


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Author Biography

Shivaji Kagade





How to Cite

Shivaji Kagade. (2023). The clinical study of effect of Agastya a Rasayana in Vataj kasa with reference of tropical pulmonary Eosinophils. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 7(4). Retrieved from