Role of Agnikarma in the management of various diseases : A review Array Section Review of Article
Ayurveda, being an ancient Indian medicinal system, has beautifully coined its own aims and objectives very clearly. Health should be the first priority of human and so as to maintain the good health and to cure diseased condition, our ancient acharya developes various types of treatments e.g. medicinal, surgical etc.
Agnikarma is one of the superior Para surgical techniques mentioned in Ayurveda. It is used in certain chronic diseases such as sciatica, arthritis etc. it is said to provide relief in these disease than other Para surgical procedures. It works by inflicting burn on the tissue surface by using different materials called as DAHAN UPAKARNA. Capacity of transmission and heat retention of these materials is different. Ancient surgeon had prescribed different material like Pippali (Piper longum), Kshoudra (Honey), Guda (Jaggery) etc. For cauterizing specific body part like skin, muscle, Blood vessels etc. According to the logic of Acharya , appropriate material should be selected for specific disease condition .
Mechanism of action of Agnikarma is not well defined. It acts on multifactorial level in the body. Mainly it is indicated in the disease caused by vata and kapha because of the its tikshna, ushna ,vikasi, properties to remove strotorodha. Properly performed Agnikarma by skilled surgeon will give excellent results on the other hand improperly performed will lead to various complications. In this paper attempt is being made to review the principle of Agnikarma in the management of various disease.
1. Sushruta, susrutasamhita , sutrasthana, Agnikarma vidhi Adhyaya 12,15 Dalhan acharya, vaidya edition Varanasi Chaukhamba sanskrit sansthan 12,5,10,4,11,17,18
2. Vagbhata’s Astanga Hridyam, sutrasthana, ksharaagnikarma vidhi 30/10 Prof. K.R.Srikatha Murthy, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Acsdamy .
4. Dr. Rabinarayan Triphy, Dr. Shaithya Raj, Dr. Rajeshwari, P.N., Dr. Athulya and Dr. Lakshmy C. Senan, 2016, A review on the action of agnikarma international Journal of current research 8,(06),32319-32322