Effect of Agnikarma in calcanial spur: A case study Array Section Case Report
The most common form of heel pain is mainly due to Calcanial Spur. It is most irritating and usually affects people badly during their routine work especially in middle age women.
Ayurveda describe this condition as Vatkantaka. It is described as Kapha vata Pradhan dushtijanya vikara and it categorised under sadhya roga.as a result of kaphadushti by vitiated vata small osteophytes forms and leads to excess calcium deposition and spur forms. This vitiated vata causes burning sensation and pain. Therapy as according to modern science is injection, Surgical correction etc. which have many side effects as well as recurrence.
In ayurvedic literature kapha vata dushti can be treated by Agnikarma. so in Vatkantaka I have kept the patient under Agnikarma therapy upto satisfactory level of relief from pain. I have given 4 sittings at the interval of 5 days and the patient got complete relief from pain. Follow up kept for next 3 months.