Assessment of causes of obesity in present era Array Section Review of Article
Now a days, in this present era “santarpanottha vikaras†( diseases due to excessive nutrition) are increasing day by day. Due to this type of lifestyle, there is dushti of meda dhatu. In which meda dhatu is over nourished and due to that rest all dhatus are not properly nourished to serve the body. Ayurveda which is 5000 years old science of life, meant for physical, mental and social well being of individual has described 8 persons are despicable in its charak samhita sutrastaana “ asthauninditiya adhayaya†which includes over obesity1. In chapter 23rd, charak samhita, sutrastaana “santarpaniya adhayaya†acharya charak has mentioned all the santarpanotha causes for santarpanjanya vyaadhis which includes obesity. So here, a survey was done of 100 obese patients to assess the causes of obesity.