A review of Kshudrarogas in Various Ayurvedic samhitas with special reference to Mashakrogaroga. Array Section Original Research Articles
In Ayurvedic samhitas various diseases are described according to their severity (Kshudraroga ,Maharoga) and prognosis (sadhya, asadhya, yapya, pratyakheya). Kshudraroga has been described in many Ayurvedic samhitas.Many minor skin conditions along with their etiology, features and treatment are described under Kshudraroga. Mashakroga is one of the such skin condition which is described in various samhitas along with its various treatment modalities. In this article is efforts are been made to shade some light over the contribution of samhitas in discussing khsudraroga and and the management of mashakroga and possible correlation of Mashakroga with modern skin disease.