Management of a case of Primary infertility with PCOD and tubal blockage with Apamarga Kshaar Tail Uttarbasti ,Varunaadi Kashaya and Shatpushpa Churna A Case Study Array Section Case Report


Archana Kamble


PCOD & Tubal Blockage are one of the commonest cause of infertility in female patients . Women unable to procreate progeny is considered as Vandhya in Ayurveda. PCOD & TUBAL BLOCKAGE are taken as KSHETRA and BEEJA dushti among four essential factors needed for conception. Both for tubal blockage and PCOD the responsible doshas are VATA and KAPHA. In this case both sanashaman and sanshodhan chikitsa was done.  The drugs selected were: Apamarga kshar tail for uttarbasti for three consecutive cycles , Varunaadi Kashaya, Shatpushpa churna orally for 6 months. USG and HSG were used as confirmatory diagnostic tools. 3 Effect of drug on menstrual bleeding pattern was seen for 2nd month of treatment and patient conceived after 7 months of treatment.


How to Cite
Kamble, A. (2021). Management of a case of Primary infertility with PCOD and tubal blockage with Apamarga Kshaar Tail Uttarbasti ,Varunaadi Kashaya and Shatpushpa Churna A Case Study: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 5(01).