A case study: Management of fistula by Aloevera Ksharsutra w. s. r. to D. M. – type 2 and hepatitis –B Positive patient. Array Section Case Report
The present study deals with management of long track fistula- in- ano, a unique case carrying Hepatitis B positive and Diabetic (DM-Type-2). In this case the technique of partial Fistulectomy medially and laterally two sided ligation by Aloevera Ksharsutra was adopted as per the study result of Aloevera in my Ph.D. project, it is significantly good especially to manage pain, irritation, discharge and also healing like parameters after ligations.
Aloevera Ksharsutra was prepared as 20 no. lenen thread + 11 coating of Aloe Vera pulp + 7 coatings of Aloe Vera and Apamarga Kshara + 3 coatings of Aloe Vera and Haridra powder.
Aloe Vera has very good qualities like viz. Shotahara, Bhelan, Vedanasthapaka (anesthetic) and Vranasopana, which are very essential in cutting and healing the Fistula Track with minimal irritation and pain.
1. Dr. Subha Reddy (1994) - Aloevera Ksharsutra for fistula-in-ano. – BHU Varanasi.
2. Dr.Dharmpal T. Patil (2019) -Role of Aloevera Ksharsutra in the management of Arsha- Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth Pune.