A Review on “Anupana†is the base of Ayurvedic treatment Array Section Review of Article
Ayurveda is the science of life with aim swastasya swasta rakshanam and aturasya vikara prashamanam has a different approach towards arogya sthapana. Anupana is the inseparable concept of Ayurveda in the treatment aspect. It plays a very important role, it brings certain changes in a substance along with which it is administered. Anupana is the one that is taken along with or after medicine. In the context of food, Anupana help in its better digestion and absorption and provides complete nourishment of the body. To cure the diseases the use of proper Anupana along with specific drug therapy is equally important. It acts as a vehicle that carries the drug to its target site, hence this article deals with the importance of Anupana in the Ayurvedic practice.