A Retrospective Study on the usage of Sootashekhar Rasa in an Ayurvedic Hospital in 250 Cases Array Section Original Research Articles
Rasashastra is an advanced and well developed branch of Ayurvedscience. It deals with various Metals, Minerals and Most toxic materials for Medicinal purpose. The concept of Shodhana and Marana are very unique and these procedures make all these metals and mineral combinations non toxic or easily assemiable in the body. These Herbo-mineral formulations are widely used in Ayurved and in our hospital also on thousands of patients since many decades. In resent time there has been lot of discussions about safety of Ayurvedic Herbo mineral combinations and Bhasmas. So we started documenting therapeutic and adverse effects of Ayurvedic Herbomineral
combinations and Bhasmas through approaches of Reverse Pharmacology(1) and Ayurvedic
Pharmacoepidemiology. Sootshekhar Rasa is the most widely and routinely used combination in Ayurved and there are no recent published reports on usage of Sootshekhar Rasa and its safety so selected first for study. And found to be very safe devoid of any adverse effect after studding in 250 patients.