An account of literary review of Dadru Kushtha Nidan vis a vis diagnosis of T. corporis. Array Section Review of Article
In Ayurveda all skin diseases are termed generaly as ‘Kushtha’. Charakacharya described Dadru under Kshudra Kushtha while Sushrutacharya and Vagbhatacharya mentioned it as Mahakushtha. Dadru is having Kandu (itching), Udagata Mandalakar pitika (raised patches with papules), Raga (redness) and is Pitta Kaphapradhan skin disease. It has similarity with Fungal Dermatophytosis. It is commonly caused by superficial dermatophytes, it is contagious disease. The aim of this study is to summarize Dadru kushtha as per Ayurveda and modern science . This study is done on the basis of analysis of ancient ayurveda, published research works related to it and contemporary literature. Causative factors of Dadru are not mentioned separately but the general causes of Kushtha such as Viruddha Aaharadi and MithyaViharaadi are responsible for Dadru.So relapse is more common. Therefore according to Ayurveda treating root cause is essential which include avoidance of nidan, break down the samprapti.

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