Management of Vatkaphatmak Kushtha by Tuvaraka Taila and its Malhar Kalpana Array Section Review of Article
The concept of Kushtha in Ayurveda has broad spectrum of dermatological manifestation presenting the underlying deep and chronic etiopathology. Acharya Charaka has defined the depth and width of the pathology behind “Kushthaâ€.
Vatakaphatmak Kushtha can be taken as independent disease in which there is dominance of Vata and Kapha Doshas as Acharya Charaka has mentioned that it is not possible to give name to all diseases.
Sadhyasadhyatva Vatakaphatmak kushtha as mentioned in Sadhya Kushtha has been choosen for this study as it has symptoms of Dominant Dosha in Kushtha (Vataj and Kaphaja).
The efficacy of application Tuvaraka Taila internally through oral ingestion and Tuvaraka Malhara using external application has been carried in this study through a set of open lab clinical trials of patients showing prominent symptoms of Vataj or Kaphaj or both Vat-kaphaj Kushtha described as per classical texts and fulfilling inclusion criteria across various ages between 15 to 60 and genders male and female.
It was observed that the application of Tuvaraka Taila and Tuvaraka Malhara improves the Kandu, Rukshata, Parushya, Khara, Utesdha, Gaurav, Kleda, Colour of Lesion and Size of Lesion when observed over a period of 4 weeks.

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