A,The Pathya apathya for vaat vyadhi in today`s era Array Section Review of Article


pradnya maruti jadhav


Changed eating habits and their patterns, busy schedules with abnormal –stressed lifestyle, inadequate sleeps are the reason behind growing vaat vyadhi in nowdays.

आहार संभवं वसà¥à¤¤à¥ रोगाशà¥à¤šà¤¹à¤¾à¤° संभवं:॥ (च.सू.२८/४५) acharya Charaka has mentioned that due to ahara only vyadhi is occurring. Tridoshas, which are vata,pitta and kapha are called as the ‘Tristhuna’ by acharyas. Among the three, vata is most important one. Vata is the only dosha which is responsible for vitiation of other two doshas as well as the dhatus and malas. It is also said that pita and kapha are pangu without involvement of vata. There are 80 type of vaatvyadhi nanatmaja explained by acharya charak. Sandhigata vata (OA) is commonest vata vyadhi. Current OA treatment is limited and largely confined to symptom management or total joint replacement. There is call for a shift towards helping OA patients to self manage their condition. So, pathya (diet) factor can help vaat vyadhi patients in their day today life to get rid of OA symptoms which inhibit their daily activities.AIM: To study and evaluate the Role of Pathya Apathya for vaat vyadhi in Today`s Era. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All the ayurvedic classics and modern text along with journals, electronic databases, pubmed, has been thoroughly searched. The study was conducted with making list of food or lifestyle changes of today`s era, which will end up in manifestation of vaatvyadhi. 


How to Cite
jadhav, pradnya maruti. (2019). A,The Pathya apathya for vaat vyadhi in today`s era: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 3(03). https://doi.org/10.52482/ayurline.v3i03.226


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