To study the efficacy of Ruksha Udwartana in the management of Sthoulya with special reference to obesity. Array Section Original Research Articles
Obesity has become one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century with morbid obesity affecting 5% of the country's population. In Ayurveda the signs and symptoms of obesity can be co-related with Sthaulya. In Samhitas, Sthaulya is mentioned under ‘Santarpan-janya Vyadhi’ and ‘Kaphaj Nanatmaj Vikar’. As Sthaulya is not only a cosmetic concern but also has adverse effect on body and may lead to diseases like diabetes, hypertension, hypothyroidism, osteoporosis etc it is need of time to have an effective treatment for it. Panchakarma proves to be very effective in treating Sthaulya, especially the local therapies like Udwartana are very easy and cost effective. Though a proper diet and regular exercise is a key for Obesity, it is necessary to have supportive therapies. As Sthaulya itself is a Santarpan janya Vyadhi, with the Samanya-Vishesh Siddhanta Apatarpan therapy is strongly recommended in Sthaulya.This paper highlights the role of Ruksha Udwartana with Triphala,Musta and Daruharidra Dravyas in Sthaulya.