Evaluation of kulath yush with abhangya and swedan in the management of bronchial asthama.


  • Yashwant R. Patil Prof. and HOD, Swasthavritta And Yoga Dept., Government Ayurveda College, Nanded-431601, Maharashtra, India
  • Sneha Pawar PG Scholar, Swasthavritta And Yoga Dept., Government Ayurveda College, Nanded-431601, Maharashtra, India


Tamaka-Shwasa, Bronchial Asthma, Abhyangya, Swedan, Kulath Yush.


Ayurveda is indigenous science of life. Ayurveda gives us knowledge of health and the disease. Unlike many diseases, which can be attributed to the life style of modern man, asthma is an ancient illness. Bronchial Asthma has multifactor causation Geographical location, environmental, racial, as well as factors related to behaviors and life-styles are associated with the disease. Tamaka Shwasa is a disease described in Ayurvedic texts that shows close resemblance with bronchial asthma on the basis of clinical manifestations. Ayurvedic medicines can be a potential and effective alternative for the treatment against the bronchial asthma. Ayurvedic medicines are used for the treatment of diseases globally so that people all over the world can keep faith on it on the basis of scientific evidences.Pathyapathya is main part of treatment. The present study was a on the management of Tamaka-Shwasa (bronchial asthma) who were being managed through Ayurvedic approach that includes bhahya abhangya, swedan and regimen of kulath yush which is one of the important pathya kalpana of tamaka-shwas as indicated in samhitas. The present study was a on the management of Tamaka-Shwasa (bronchial asthma) who were being managed through Ayurvedic approach that includes bhahya abhangya, swedan and regimen of kulath yush as indicated in samhitas.


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How to Cite

Patil, Y. R., & Pawar, S. (2017). Evaluation of kulath yush with abhangya and swedan in the management of bronchial asthama. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 1(02). Retrieved from https://ayurline.in/index.php/ayurline/article/view/58