The study of therapeutic effect of Rasagutika in the management of Tamaka shwasa (Bronchial Asthma) – A case study. Array Section Case Report
Tamaka shwasa is made by two words ‘Tamaka’ and ‘Shwasa’. The ‘Tamaka’ word came from ‘tama’ means experience of darkness; And ‘Shwasa’ means respiration or breathing process ; but as concern to this disease it means increased rate of respiration or difficulty in breathing process. Acharya Charaka quoted that Shwasa and Hicca are two diseases, which are fatal to life amongst all other diseases[1].Tamaka Shwasavyadhi comes under Shwasa vyadhi. On the basis of severity; Shwasa roga is classified into five types. Kshudra shwasa can be seen as asymptoms in many diseases and is self limiting. Chhinna, Urdhwa, Maha shwasa are the terminal stages and have extremely bad prognosis. And Tamaka shwasa having its own etiology, pathology and management. It is mentioned as yapya vyadhi[2] . In this disease Vayu is vitiated and blocked by Kapha. So, vayu moves upward instead of its normal flow.Bronchial asthma in modern medicine closely resembles with Tamaka shwasa. Ayurvedic drugs including the respiratory tonics and naturally occurring bronchodilators and immunomodulators can be a potential and effective alternative for the treatment of Bronchial asthma. Aim: To evaluate the effect of Rasagutika[3] in the management of Tamaka Shwasa w. s. r. to Bronchial asthma. Materials and methods:In this study , a patient of Asthma managed by an Ayurvedic formulation Rasagutika in dose of 250mg with kantakari kwatha administered orally three times a day after food for the period of 8 weeks.