The kavala and Gandusha: As preventive measure in karna, nasa and mukha roga Array Section Review of Article
Shalakya tantra which is one among Astanga Ayurveda , explains different diseases of Netra, karna, naasa and mukha. These diseases have been elaborately described in Sushruta Uttara tantra, astanga hrudaya and Astanga sangraha . Hygeine of oral cavity and throat is very essential to protect the health of karna and naasa as they are connected through eustachian tube and nasopharynx respectively . Oral cavity is very much exposed to the water pollution, cold breeze and kaphakara ahara vihara1. These nidana play a prime role in causing diseases of Karna and Naasa by causing infections and inflammation of oral mucosa. These nidanas are the one which are unavoidable in day to day life. So to overcome these factors and build immunity against such diseases , kavala and gandusha are beneficial which is explained in our samhitas as a swathavrutta regimen2 . A simple triphala Kashaya gargling helps in preventing the diseases of oral cavity which in turn prevent naasa and karna roga as well.