“Study of Psychological Factors in Etiopathogenesis of Grahani with special reference to Irritable Bowel Syndrome†Array Section Review of Article
Grahani Roga described in classical text books of Ayurveda represents a group of disorders of digestive system caused by impairment of Agni. Grahani is such a disorder, where in its significance is emphasized by its inclusion among Ashta Maha Gadas. The cardinal features of Grahani explained in the classical text books of Ayurveda, have at most similarities with the clinical features of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) explained in Modern medicine. Since one is Adhara and the other is Adheya, one can influence the other. Thus it is clear that somatic disorders have a Psychological backup. So to remove a disease from its root, the causative psychological factors should also be understood and ruled out completely. Psychological Factors are the tools to understand the state of Manas. According to Charaka Samhita imananasthana assessment of Manasika Bhavas or Psycological Factors like Chinta, Krodha, Kama, Shoka and Bhaya can be done by Anumana Pramana. Ayurvedic texts clearly state the Manasika hetus of Grahani Roga in general. Since separate Nidana Panchakas are not mentioned individually for Grahani Roga. Samanya Nidana is applicable for Grahani Roga also. Influence of Psychological factors in the Chikitsa is also mentioned. Since Grahani Roga is a Pitta Vata predominant disease, the Psychological Factors which can easily be disturbed by Vata and Pitta Dosha also have significant role in it. The study shows the understanding of Psychological Factors in detail and etiopathogenesis of Psychological Factors in the manifestation and prevention of recurrence of Grahani roga.